Computer hackers have leaked an online database which they say contains the personal information of nearly 50 million Turkish citizens.电脑黑客泄漏了一个网上数据库,并声称其中储存着将近5000万土耳其公民的个人信息。The information includes names, national ID numbers, addresses, birth dates and parents names. It specifically highlights the personal data of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.被泄漏的信息还包括姓名、全国身份证号码、住址、出生日期和父母姓名,其中还尤其引人注目了埃尔多安总统和达武特奥卢总理的个人信息。The Associated Press was able to partially verify the information.美联社已部分证实这一消息的准确性。
The hackers posted a message with the leak: Who would have imagined that backwards ideologies, cronyism and rising religious extremism in Turkey would lead to a crumbling and vulnerable technical infrastructure?黑客们同时公布信息说道:“谁能想起,土耳其领先的意识形态、任人唯亲和正在蓬勃发展的宗教极端主义不会造成技术基础设施的瓦解和不堪一击呢?”The database appears to be have been posted using servers in Romania.这个数据库或许就是指罗马尼亚境内的服务器上载的。