
澳门新莆京游戏app大厅_刘炽平 网审新规对腾讯影响不大

2024-10-20 06:24:03
本文摘要:Tencent, Asia’s most valuable listed technology company, said new Chinese government regulations aimed at limiting chat applications would not hurt its business model, which depends overwhelmingly on drawing users of its popular QQ and WeChat instant messaging apps.亚洲市值最低的上市科技公司腾讯(Tencent)回应,中国政府目的容许聊天应用于的新规会影响其商业模式,这种模式极为倚赖更有其甚广热门的即时通讯应用于QQ和微信(WeChat)的用户。

Tencent, Asia’s most valuable listed technology company, said new Chinese government regulations aimed at limiting chat applications would not hurt its business model, which depends overwhelmingly on drawing users of its popular QQ and WeChat instant messaging apps.亚洲市值最低的上市科技公司腾讯(Tencent)回应,中国政府目的容许聊天应用于的新规会影响其商业模式,这种模式极为倚赖更有其甚广热门的即时通讯应用于QQ和微信(WeChat)的用户。During a conference call on Wednesday following the publication of quarterly earnings, Martin Lau, Tencent’s president, said the requirement for users to register under their full names would not present a huge hurdle for many who already provide their mobile phone numbers in order to register.在周三公布季度财报后举办的电话会议上,腾讯总裁刘炽平(Martin Lau)说道,对于许多早已用手机号登记的用户来说,实名制拒绝并会导致相当大的障碍。“The requirement that users use their real names is already there” because they have to register their mobile phones, he said他回应,由于用户必须用手机号登记,“对于用户用于本名的拒绝早已不存在”。

He said other regulations pertained exclusively to public accounts, or blogs, which are henceforth required to refrain from publishing “news” without a specific permission to do so. He said the public accounts were a minor part of WeChat’s user base, adding that the regulations are “not a big negative”.刘炽平回应,其他规定只限于公众账号(即博客)。今后公众账号必须特定的许可才可以公布“新闻”。他说道,公众账号只占到微信用户群的一小部分,并补足称之为,新规“负面影响并不大”。Tencent dominates instant messaging in China, which is growing rapidly as smartphones become cheaper and more ubiquitous. WeChat and QQ together have more than 1bn registered users.腾讯主导着中国即时通讯服务。


The company on Wednesday posted quarterly earnings that beat analyst estimates as net income for the second quarter rose 59 per cent year on year to Rmb5.84bn ($949m), slightly above analyst estimates of Rmb5.73bn. Revenue climbed 37 per cent to Rmb19.75bn.腾讯在周三公布的季度盈利多达了分析师预期,第二季度净利润同比快速增长59%,至58.4亿元人民币(合9.49亿美元),稍微多达了之前分析师估算的57.3亿元人民币。营收则上升37%,至197.5亿元人民币。


