
新澳门游戏网站入口app|iPhone 6来了 苹果或将于8月提前发布新版本

2024-10-23 06:24:01
本文摘要:The leaf on the Apple symbol is tinted green at the Apple flagship store on 5th Ave in New York April 22, 2014. Employees and signage have been themed green to mark Earth Day.2014年4月22日,坐落于纽约第五大道的苹果分店把苹果标志上面的叶子替换成了绿色。

The leaf on the Apple symbol is tinted green at the Apple flagship store on 5th Ave in New York April 22, 2014. Employees and signage have been themed green to mark Earth Day.2014年4月22日,坐落于纽约第五大道的苹果分店把苹果标志上面的叶子替换成了绿色。为号召地球日,员工服饰和公司标志都使用了绿色居多的主题。Apple Inc will unveil the next incarnation of its popular iPhone series in August, one month earlier than industry watchers were generally expecting, Taiwanese media reported on Friday citing unidentified supply-chain sources.周五台湾媒体提到不得而知供应链获取的消息称之为,苹果公司将在8月公布下一代手机产品iPhone 6,比行业仔细观察人士的广泛预期提早了一个月。A 4.7-inch screen version of the iPhone 6 will reach stores in August, the Economic Daily News reported without specifying which markets would receive the phone first.《经济日报》称之为,4.7英寸版iPhone 6将于8月份在零售店下架销售,但未透露该版本手机将首先登岸哪些市场。

A 5.5-inch or 5.6-inch model will be released in September, the newspaper said, as the iPhone 5 series was previously.5.5英寸或5.6英寸机型则将在9月份公布,和之前iPhone 5的公布进程完全一致。People involved in the supply chain had earlier confirmed to Reuters that there will be a 4.7-inch version of the iPhone 6 and a 5.5-inch version.供应链知情人士此前向路透社证实称之为,iPhone 6将分成4.7英寸和5.5英寸两种版本。Together, the Economic Daily News said 80 million iPhone 6 handsets would be produced this year.同时,《经济日报》称之为,今年iphone6的总产量将超过8000万部。

Industry watchers have said increasing the iPhones screen size from 4 inches would help Apple regain market share from competitors such as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, who they say have responded to consumer desire for more screen size.行业仔细观察人士已回应,减小目前意味着4英寸的iPhone屏幕尺寸,有助苹果夺取被三星电子等输掉风化的市场份额。三星等智能机制造商此前早已符合了消费者对于更大屏幕尺寸的市场需求。

Representatives for Apple could not be reached for comment.苹果官方代表并没回应做出任何评论。Representatives for Taiwanese iPhone contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd and smartphone camera lens maker Largan Precision Co Ltd, both mentioned in the Economic Daily News report, had no comment.经济日报中提及的台湾苹果合作生产商代表鸿海仪器有限公司和智能手机摄像头生产商大立光电股份有限公司皆并未做到任何对此。


