

2024-10-23 06:24:01
本文摘要:China’s government has proposed strict new limits on car hailing apps’ use of migrants as drivers in major cities, in a blow to Didi Chuxing and potentially to other Chinese internet groups.中国政府针对网约车服务在大城市用于外来务工人员作为驾驶员建议了严苛的新容许,此举压制了滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),潜在还将压制中国其他互联网集团。

China’s government has proposed strict new limits on car hailing apps’ use of migrants as drivers in major cities, in a blow to Didi Chuxing and potentially to other Chinese internet groups.中国政府针对网约车服务在大城市用于外来务工人员作为驾驶员建议了严苛的新容许,此举压制了滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing),潜在还将压制中国其他互联网集团。Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country’s largest internet companies including Alibaba, Meituan-Dianping, as well as Didi Chuxing. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员仍然推展中国一些仅次于的互联网公司的商业模式,还包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团评论(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴上下班。They all rely on low-paid drivers and couriers to provide services such as ecommerce, ride hailing and food delivery. 它们都依赖低薪的司机和租车员获取电子商务、网约车和送餐等服务。

Thanks to the proliferation of cheap online-to-offline offerings, Chinese smartphone users can order virtually any service delivered to their door, from taxis to takeout food, and this has helped drive rapid adoption of the mobile internet in China.归功于廉价线上到线下(O2O)服务的大量兴起,中国智能手机用户可以采购完全任何送货上门的服务,从出租车到店内食品,这协助推展了中国移动互联网的较慢普及。But that practice has clashed with the central government’s recent efforts to limit urban migration. 但这种作法与中央政府最近容许城市移民的希望不存在违背。

A new set of draft laws rolled out in China’s top-tier cities would require all drivers for car-hailing services to have a residency permit — known as a hukou — in the city where they drive.中国一线城市实施的一套新的法律草案将拒绝网约车服务的所有驾驶员享有本地户口。Didi has publicly called for a rethink of the regulations, saying the current draft will force the majority of cars and drivers currently serving the public on Didi Chuxing to quit. 滴滴公开发表敦促新的思维这些规定,称之为目前的草案将使得绝大多数滴滴平台上目前服务老百姓的车辆和司机不得不解散。The new rules would decimate the ranks of the more than 15m drivers currently registered on Didi and could presage similar limitations on migrants working for other internet industries.新规则将使目前在滴滴登记的1500多万驾驶员大批丧失资格,并且有可能伴随在其他互联网行业打零工的外来务工人员面对类似于容许。

Pang Kun, a lawyer based in Guangdong province who focuses on public interest and labour-related issues in China, says: The internet service industry as a whole relies heavily on migrant workers. 专心于中国公共利益和劳工问题的广东省律师庞琨回应:互联网服务业整体上相当严重倚赖外来务工人员。In Shenzhen, for example, more than 90 per cent of workers in such service industries are non-local migrant workers, he says.他回应,以深圳为事例,此类服务行业90%以上的劳动者所谓本地的外来务工人员。So far the transport bureau in Beijing has refused to budge. 到目前为止,北京市交通委员会拒绝接受通融。

It has said the new rules are intended to target what it calls urban diseases. 它回应,新规则目的解决问题它称之为的城市病。It cited disorderly and rapid increase of population and increased traffic congestion.它提及人口无序过慢快速增长和交通拥堵激化。Some analysts argue that serious amendments are unlikely. 一些分析人士指出,不太可能展开严肃的修正。The central government is behind the new rules and they are serious about this, said one adviser to Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride hailing app, which is set to be most affected by the new rules.中央政府是这些新规则的幕后推动者,他们对这件事是上当的,滴滴上下班的一位顾问回应。

这家中国仅次于网约车服务不致是不受新规则影响最相当严重的。But China’s premier Li Keqiang muddied the picture late on Thursday by indicating that Beijing might be flexible in its approach to the rules. 但是,中国总理李克强在近日似乎北京方面有可能灵活性对待此类规则,这使整个局面更为模糊不清。

China would listen to the views of all parties about rules governing the market, Mr Li told tech leaders at a meeting in the southern city of Shenzhen.李克强在华南城市深圳的一个会议上对科技行业领袖们回应,政府在市场规则上将征询各方面的意见。If implemented as is, the new rules would most likely hamper plans by Didi Chuxing for an initial public offering planned for as early as next year. 如果现有版本的规则付诸继续执行,新规则将很有可能妨碍滴滴上下班计划最先在明年就展开的首次公开发行(IPO)。

Didi values itself at $35bn after buying the China operations of Uber in a deal in August that left the San Francisco-based company and its investors with a 20 per cent stake in its Chinese rival.滴滴在8月份并购优步(Uber)的中国业务后估值超过350亿美元,那笔交易使总部坐落于旧金山的优步及其投资者享有滴滴20%的股份。Wang Jun, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, says the new rules are in line with the central government’s efforts to limit the growth of population in major cities. 中国政法大学教授王军回应,新规则与中央政府容许主要城市人口快速增长的希望吻合。But if the goal is to limit migrant population in Beijing or Shanghai, why is the car-hailing industry the only one that’s receiving such treatment when many industries out there also have non-local workers?但如果目标是容许北京或上海的流动人口,那为什么网约车行业是唯一受到这种对待的行业,而其他许多行业也有非本地的劳动者?。


